Saturday, October 16, 2010

Calvaire (2004)

             We were so excited to see this movie because we like disturbing movies and this one, judging by the reviews, promised to be one. So one night we rented too many movies and couldn't decide which one to watch.
Since we haven't watched horror movies in a while it was obvious to both of us that this movie had an advantage over the others. Watching horror movies could always turn out to be a two sided experience. On one side you could be having an amazing adrenaline rush, and on the opposite side you could get totally frustrated. Since we already had bad experiences with previous European horror movie (Sheitan), we weren't certain what to expect from this one.
To be specific this is a Belgian movie. An atmosphere and feeling that remains after watching Calvaire really does remind of ones after watching Sheitan.

             Plot story:  a travelling singer breaks down in woods at Christmas time. And so begins his ordeal...

             Movie started with a handsome guy (Liz said so) singing some stupid songs to a bunch of old deflated women that look totally lifeless (sorry old people but you do look like that :-). The first scene that grossed us out was a granny trying to sexually harass our singer wannabe. Unfortunately later on in the movie we realized that that first gross scene was actually a child's play compared to the rest of it.

            Our intention is not to give out spoiler and ruin the "joy" of watching this movie, but we want to give you our honest opinion about it as a couple of horror lovers. Not only were we disappointed by this crap they call movie but after watching this for ninety minutes we just couldn't find suitable words to describe how we felt.
There should be a new word for this feeling in the dictionary. The most frustrating thing about this movie are the reviews written on youtube etc., such as: "brilliant, amazing...". Reviews like that could be written only by sick people or those people that can't understand the point of the movie and immediately think that this is some kind of "awesome" art piece.

            We do understand that the point of this movie is to show how everybody, even mentally sick people, seek for love and care just as ''normal'' ones. And not only that, but also difficulty of expressing and giving love. In that manner, our Boris and Bartel just took the opportunity of  helpless Marc (and cow) to have one family reunion in order of having perfect Christmas..
Despite of understanding and noticing the point of the story  (and even great acting) taking bunch of horny mentally retarded gays to represent love and loneliness didn't work for us.
Sorry mr. screen writer and mr. director but showing "metahpores" like snow in one shot and then a green field in the other doesn't give any additional depth to this anyway disastrous movie. But we have to point out one positive thing about this movie, you actually have an opportunity to learn new dance moves with which you can leave an everlasting impression on the dance floor :).
Enough said go and watch this movie yourself at your own risk.

Our score:
Liz: 0/10 (it's that low because there isn't any lover mark than that :)
Kyle: 2/10


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